ir. Orhan Tuncer (MSc)
March 28th, 1972
Delft University of Technology
MSc, Computer Science
Information Systems
Middle East Technical University
BSc, Mathematics
Applied Mathematics
Business Analyst
January 2008 – Present
- Business Technologies
Business Analyst
Demir-Halk Bank Nederland NV
January 2004 – December 2007
- Research and Project Development
- Business Analysis and System Design Banking
- Functional and Technical Requirement Specifications
- MOTS and COTS Integration
IS Projects
Reinier de Graaf Groep
January 2002 – January 2004
- Analysis and Design Medical-IS
- Workflow Optimization
- Duplex Laboratory - Information sharing
- HL7 Integration
Assistant Manager ICT
Credit Europe Bank (Formerly Finansbank Holland NV)
January 2000 – January 2002
- Coordinator Software and Technical Group
- Analysis and Design CRM Application
- Analysis and Design Document Management System
- Integration Core Banking Application Globus
Direct Marketing
G&T Direct Etno-Marketing and Communications
January 1999 – January 2000
- Etno-Marketing Activities
- Creation EM DB
- Data Mining
- Copywriting
- Consultancy
Research Assistant
Technical University Delft
January 1998 – January 2000
- Business Analysis Models
- ERD Transformation Methodologies
- Meta Modeling Techniques
- Practical Work Coordination
Extra curricular activities
1997 - 1998
Coordinator IT-Group/International Students Carrier Development Foundation (ISCD), EUR, Rotterdam
1998 - 1999
Founder of the society Delftsche Studenten Vereeniging ACADEMIA (DSVA), Delft, Technical University Delft
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